Cathedral of St Patrick & St Joseph | Te Whare Karakia o Hato Pateriki raua ko Hato Hohepa | Catholic Diocese of Auckland, New Zealand

About Us


Pastoral Priorities

We are blessed with a very beautiful and unique historic church, perhaps one of the most prayed-in buildings in New Zealand…. a House of God, an Icon of Christ, the Mother Church, a Place of Prayer, an Oasis of Peace.

We believe that here in the country’s largest and busiest city, God has “pitched his tent” and He is here to stay!

Each Sunday, over 3,000 people attend Masses here, with hundreds more attending weekday services. Perhaps most poignantly are the hundreds that call in each week for prayer or peace, people of all faiths and none. Last year alone over 130,000 candles were lit at the candle stations!

As a Community we celebrate the 2,000 year tradition of Catholic Spirituality by:

  • maintaining and preserving St. Patrick’s as a sacred space.
  • keeping our doors open, daylight hours, every day of the year. A place of welcome to all who visit.
  • celebrating the liturgies of the church with the full, conscious and active participation of all. We celebrate the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament. There is a special emphasis on reverent, meaningful liturgies (worship). We are a singing parish! We draw on music both from the sacred tradition and from contemporary sources.
  • preaching the Word (homilies) in a way that speaks to the issues of today.
  • being a welcoming community, especially for families. Children’s Liturgy is provided at the 8am, 11am, and 4.30pm Sunday Masses.

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    Cathedral Contacts

    Hours: 9.00 am - 4.30 pm, Monday - Friday

    Phone: +64 (9) 303 4509

    Fax: +64 (9) 379 8498


    St. Patrick's Cathedral 43 Wyndham Street Auckland 1010 New Zealand

    Social Media




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